Hike and Fly

presentation of the activity

Far from traditional paragliding, mountain flying is the pinnacle of an adventure that begins by walking on trails, running along ridges, or climbing rocks. Every terrain then becomes an opportunity to take off if conditions allow: fields, hills, and peaks are gateways to freedom… The aim of this course is to discover the principle of hike and fly, which involves hiking to access wild spots in the mountains, and then descending by flying. This course is also a means to refine your sensitivity to nature.

Obviously, a love for hiking, often for more than an hour, is necessary. The average elevation gain during the course will be between 600 and 800 meters. We will also seek to refine our analysis and continue acquiring numerous skills for safe flying, integrating the concept of renunciation, the codes of good conduct in the mountains, and all the subtleties that make up this activity.


“Loin du parapente traditionnel, le vol en montagne est le point culminant d’une aventure commencée en marchant sur les sentiers, en courant sur les crêtes ou en escaladant les rochers. Tous les reliefs deviennent alors des opportunités de décoller si les conditions le permettent : champs, buttes et sommets sont les portes d’entrée vers la liberté…” Le but de ce stage est de découvrir le principe de la marche et du vol, qui consiste à randonner pour accéder à des endroits sauvages en pleine montagne, et à descendre en volant. Ce stage est également un moyen d’affiner votre sensibilité à la nature.

Obviously, it’s necessary to enjoy hiking, often for more than an hour. The average elevation gain during the course will be between 600 and 800 meters. Concurrently, we will also aim to refine our analysis and continue acquiring numerous skills for safe flying, incorporating the concept of renunciation, the codes of good conduct in the mountains, and all the subtleties that comprise this activity.


During our hike and fly paragliding course, we aim to develop our understanding of paragliding, refine our skills in a mountain environment, strengthen our meteorological and aerological knowledge, master mountain equipment, adapt to unfamiliar take-offs, and manage approaches and landings in the mountains.

Simultaneously, we will deepen our theoretical knowledge to better understand the underlying principles of paragliding. Additionally, we will address stress and emotion management, recognizing the importance of making informed and sometimes difficult decisions, particularly when it comes to renouncing a flight.

Finally, we will be sensitized to the richness of the natural and human heritage of the mountains we will fly over, adopting a respectful attitude towards our environment throughout our adventure.

The mainobjectives

During our hike and fly paragliding course, we aim to develop our understanding of paragliding, refine our skills in a mountain environment, strengthen our meteorological and aerological knowledge, master mountain equipment, adapt to unfamiliar take-offs, and manage approaches and landings in the mountains.

Simultaneously, we will deepen our theoretical knowledge to better understand the underlying principles of paragliding. Additionally, we will address stress and emotion management, recognizing the importance of making informed and sometimes difficult decisions, particularly when it comes to renouncing a flight.

Finally, we will be sensitized to the richness of the natural and human heritage of the mountains we will fly over, adopting a respectful attitude towards our environment throughout our adventure.

The playground

The Étang de Lers site is one of the most beautiful locations in the Pyrenees, a true gem in the heart of the Ariège Pyrenees Regional Natural Park. Rich in natural habitats, fauna, and flora, the site is protected as a Natura 2000 area. It is known to geologists worldwide for lherzolite, a rare igneous rock, which gives the landscape a lunar appearance in contrast with the vegetation

mont ceint HF

The site has a very high potential for hike and fly activities, and is relatively accessible, featuring a great diversity from one slope to another. From ridge lines to peaks, from streams to ponds, you will discover the most intimate corners.

Required flight level

  • You are an independent pilot
  • You have flown under a classic A or B paraglider, or a mountain/single-surface wing
  • You have at least 40 flights under your belt
Chateau de Monségur HF
  • You are comfortable with ground handling facing your wing
  • You are in good physical shape and can hike for 1.5 to 2 hours per day with an elevation gain of 800 meters carrying a backpack weighing 8-10 kg if equipped with a Classic, or around 5 kg if equipped with a Light.


During these hike and fly course days, you will be supervised by two paragliding instructors, who also hold a state certificate in mountain guiding. Passionate about the mountains, free flight, and committed to nature conservation, they will be delighted to reveal to you all the secrets of this unique environment.

Pic de la fntanette HF

The choice of the flight site (Mont Ceint, Montségur, or Pic de la Fontanette) will be decided the evening before, based on the latest weather data. You will also receive at this time the meeting time and place.

The playground

The Étang de Lers site is one of the most beautiful locations in the Pyrenees, a true gem in the heart of the Ariège Pyrenees Regional Natural Park. Rich in natural habitats, fauna, and flora, the site is protected as a Natura 2000 area. It is known to geologists worldwide for lherzolite, a rare igneous rock, which gives the landscape a lunar appearance in contrast with the vegetation

Required flight level

  • You are an independent pilot
  • You have flown under a classic A or B paraglider, or a mountain/single-surface wing
  • You have at least 40 flights under your belt


During these hike and fly course days, you will be supervised by two paragliding instructors, who also hold a state certificate in mountain guiding. Passionate about the mountains, free flight, and committed to nature conservation, they will be delighted to reveal to you all the secrets of this unique environment.

mont ceint HF
Chateau de Monségur HF
Pic de la fntanette HF

The site has a very high potential for hike and fly activities, and is relatively accessible, featuring a great diversity from one slope to another. From ridge lines to peaks, from streams to ponds, you will discover the most intimate corners.

  • You are comfortable with ground handling facing your wing
  • You are in good physical shape and can hike for 1.5 to 2 hours per day with an elevation gain of 800 meters carrying a backpack weighing 8-10 kg if equipped with a Classic, or around 5 kg if equipped with a Light.

The choice of the flight site (Mont Ceint, Montségur, or Pic de la Fontanette) will be decided the evening before, based on the latest weather data. You will also receive at this time the meeting time and place.