Subscribe to a pilot license and insurance

To participate in the course, you will need to subscribe to an FFVL pilot license.

1: Log in to and click on “Prendre sa licence / Get your license” on the right-hand side.

prendre sa licence FFVL option parapente

2: After entering your personal information, select the Kymaya paragliding school by typing: 28916.​


3: Go to the next page and select paragliding as your main activity. Then fill in your other free flight activities if necessary.

prendre sa licence FFVL avec choix de lécole de parapente

4: “Cotisation fédérale” Federal membership and RCA: Aerial Civil Liability are mandatory.

  • If you only want to be licensed for the duration of the course, choose the 9-day course license, which is suitable for an elementary course.
  • However, for Progression packs or Club Pilot course, opt for the supervised activity license: Parapente, Delta, Speed Riding.

If you plan to start with the intention of becoming an autonomous pilot and therefore practice regularly, choose the “Primo Licencié” option (available only if this is your first license, except for the 9-day license).

If you have already subscribed to an FFVL license in the previous year or earlier, you must log in with your license number and subscribe to a new license for the current year if you haven’t already done so.

5: Continue filling out the form until you reach the optional insurance page.

Personal accident insurance (Indemnités accident) is optional but highly recommended.